Every human being has the innate capacity to experience the grace offered them by a loving God whose arms are wide open in invitation. It's my great joy to accompany you on your journey, to help you discern your own path, wherever it may lead you. The practice of spiritual direction provides opportunity for you to be heard, and to be known in a way that can clarify your own thoughts, prayers, and insights in order to help you discern the path that God has for you. In spiritual direction, our desire is to encounter Spirit as the Director.

I also recognize that one may not necessarily identify as a “God” seeker in the traditional sense. Everyone’s path is unique, but I believe everyone wants to live a life of purpose, meaning, and belonging. Spiritual Direction can also be helpful to those who find themselves on the fringes, or beyond the borders of traditional religion. What might it look like for you to deeply live your life?


Find out about Pilgrimheart, my mission, methods, and the results from the mouths of clients.

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Ready to take the first step of the rest of your journey? You can request a free consultation, and get connected.

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